Monday 11 February 2013

Mexican Embroidery in Matrimony

Back again with more wedding related musings. If you hadn't already gathered, there will be lots of these to come, especially lengthy ones will includes numerous pictures of wedding dresses. This post will be one of those. Prepare yourselves.

So, as some of you may know having spent lots of time with me, I'm not what you'd call a 'conventional girl'. I don't like girlish things. Pink offends me. As do things (or people) with an excess of fluff. Likewise, Mr Bear and I are not really a 'conventional couple'. We attended a pub quiz for our first date. We embrace our differences. And, of course, we chose to embark upon a 'make or break' relationship challenge by moving to the other side of the planet together.

So, naturally, our wedding will lean towards the unconventional in order to be quintessentially ours.

The point of this little spiel on unconventionality is to explain why it is essential that my handmade wedding dress be something that is truly one of a kind. Otherwise, I suppose, there would be no point in me taking lots of time and effort (and quite probably blood, sweat and tears) to make it.

As you know, I'm a big fan of embroidery. But especially mexican embroidery. I would love to incorporate a little bit of this in my dress designs, taking some inspiration from the images above. I admit, it's a little bit hippy/1970's but since we're planning on an outdoor wedding, the setting will probably excuse this a little.

Ah yes, the setting. Now, plans have changed a little in a short amount of time. On Waitangi Day, we went out for lunch to have our first planning conversation and it soon became apparent to us both the dreams we had of a quiet ceremony in Italy followed by a picnic in the mountains would prove extremely stressful. I won't go into all the details but the stress involves getting 50 people up a mountain in a coach. No thanks.

So now we're looking into woodland weddings in England, yey! More on that to come....

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